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Labeling and SAP in the supply chain

As we slowly adjust to the “massive fluctuations to consumer demand patterns”, a labeling system that can ebb and flow with these changes is a must. This is where labeling in SAP systems can make a great impact. “But for many organizations using SAP to manage extended supply chain operations, labeling is not optimized.” Our […]

Ketchup shortage open the door for innovation

As you may have heard, there is a ketchup shortage. With the increase in take-out, drive-through and curbside pickups, as well as the replacement of self-serve for individual servings of ketchup, many restaurants quickly found their ketchup packets were depleting. While resolving this challenge is the immediate need, many successful innovations have transpired out of […]

Expect the unexpected.

    When working with customers, businesses expect certain systems to perform like clockwork, yet this doesn’t always happen. Successful companies must expect the best, but plan for the worst, and have the ability to act quickly. Such was the case for a Cloud computing firm in France.  Numerous companies and websites suffered outages and […]

More than just a labeling solution

While many of our clients come to us to solve a specific labeling issue, often additional efficiencies are gained through the discovery phase as part of the proposal process. This was just the case for a large pharmaceutical company for which we were updating and streamlining the labeling process.  Their technical support team was inundated […]

Unique Device Identification System (UDI)

The FDA established the Unique Identification System (UDI) to identify medical devices sold in the US from the point of manufacturing and distribution all the way to patient use. The UDI final rule requires device labelers to: Include a UDI on device labels and packages, except where the rule provides for an exception or alternative. […]

NiceLabel® has a Cloud solution that’s anything but standard

“Accurate and efficient labeling is essential for any supply chain.” The goal is to get items from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Seems easy enough.  Add in 3rd party suppliers, contract manufacturers and the implementation of a standard labeling approach and things get a little more complicated. NiceLabel® knows […]

Reach out to your BarTender community

Whether you have questions about an older version of BarTender or the new BarTender 2021, the BarTender community is a great place to start with questions. This active community is a great place to look for answers to common issues while using any version of the BarTender software. Users can also share helpful hints and […]

Cyberattack disrupts beverage operations

  On time product delivery is one of the main goals for any manufacturing business, so delivery delays or worse, work stoppage can be detrimental. This can have a domino effect for vendors, distributors and consumers.  Add a cyberattack to this list and you have a nightmare for any manufacturing company.  A breach that disrupted […]

What is the price of security to consumers?

Security, especially data security, continues to be an area of concern for everyone, especially consumers. The Internet of Things (IoT) “brings internet connectivity to everyday electronic devices, allowing them to collect and share data over networks.”  Home security, activity trackers and smart farming are just a few examples of where IoT -enabled devices are being […]

Flying high: Virgin Orbit reaches space on second try

In January, “a 70-foot-long LauncherOne rocket was released from beneath the wing of a Boeing 747 carrier aircraft off the coast of Southern California, ignited moments later and soared towards space.” The intent by Virgin Orbit was to “deploy the nine CubeSats” into orbit.  These small satellites were developed and built as part of an […]