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Best Practices for Cloud ERP Security

We shared the benefits of migrating to a Cloud ERP Solution, and once fully implemented, businesses must also ensure all security steps are in place. Our partners at RFgen share best practices for Cloud ERP security and the benefits of Cloud vs. on-premise options. Just as cloud-based solutions have become commonplace for labeling, CRM, and […]

Mobile devices vs. dedicated barcode handhelds

We frequently talk about labeling software, but many manufacturers must also consider their hardware just as closely as their software. Manufacturers must ask themselves questions like, “Will a consumer-grade mobile device be a better option than an industrial-grade dedicated barcode handheld? What is the device’s lifespan and is it compatible with my operating system and […]

End-to-end digital platform

Loftware provides solutions that “refine how enterprises create, manage and print complex labeling and packaging artwork and scale across their global landscape.” With an end-to-end digital platform that enables companies to meet their goals in all aspects of the supply chain, from product development and product packaging to distribution and consumer sales. Focusing on just […]

ERP Implementation still concerning to manufacturers

When companies seek to implement a new ERP system, it isn’t the thought of evaluating purchasing options or requirements planning that concerns them, it is the need for support from the ERP provider during implementation and beyond that has them taking the time to truly weigh their options. According to a recent research study from […]

Mobile barcoding best practices

We often focus on labeling solutions that highlight the end process to the consumer, but part of that process ensures the manufacturer has accurate inventory controls in place. One of those processes may involve the use of mobile barcoding. Our partners at RFgen, leaders in mobile data collection solutions, share 3 mobile barcoding best practices […]

Connecting sales data to enterprise systems

Keeping departments and systems siloed can lead to missed opportunities and a lack of visibility. This is true, especially for sales teams and programs.  “In fact, any company that fails to recognize and implement the lessons offered up by its sales programs does so at the risk of stalling communications (at the very least) and […]

Next generation Windows software update on its way

When it comes to updates for our technology devices, we often go through the process without thinking much of it. We may benefit from a few new features or hope it fixes a nagging glitch we’ve had to deal with.  But when it comes to the operating system that many businesses run on, a major […]

Siloed systems can be an efficiency killer

The quickest way to fall behind in efficiency, sales, and performance is the delay in receiving the information that drives the decisions within these areas.  The key to running a business efficiently, especially a supply chain, is having good data.  You can’t achieve this when your systems for Warehouse Management, Materials Requirements Planning, and Enterprise […]

Labeling and SAP in the supply chain

As we slowly adjust to the “massive fluctuations to consumer demand patterns”, a labeling system that can ebb and flow with these changes is a must. This is where labeling in SAP systems can make a great impact. “But for many organizations using SAP to manage extended supply chain operations, labeling is not optimized.” Our […]

All your questions answered

Looking for a new labeling software solution can be an overwhelming task.  Thorough research and investigation are needed to ensure the solution meets the company’s needs. BarTender’s robust FAQs, can help answer questions like what the system requirements are and what features are must-haves. Let Pragmatyxs make the process even easier with our experienced implementation […]