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Our globally connected technology

Many companies have discovered how globally connected our technology is when a software update doesn’t go as planned. A cybersecurity firm that protects many hospitals, airlines, and banks from hackers and data breaches worked to correct a total organizational halt for those running on Microsoft’s Windows operating system after completing a software update. “While the problem […]

Best Practices for Cloud ERP Security

We shared the benefits of migrating to a Cloud ERP Solution, and once fully implemented, businesses must also ensure all security steps are in place. Our partners at RFgen share best practices for Cloud ERP security and the benefits of Cloud vs. on-premise options. Just as cloud-based solutions have become commonplace for labeling, CRM, and […]

Supply chain integrity combats counterfeit electronics

The electronics industry is everchanging and the product lifecycle has shortened immensely. What hasn’t changed is the challenge of counterfeit electronics. Our partners at Loftware share how supply chain integrity combats counterfeit electronics. Counterfeit electronics affect manufacturers, customers, and the health and safety of consumers.  “The Electronics Reseller Association International (ERAI) Inc. reported that up […]

NFC tag provides solution for medical supplier

When working within a medical laboratory or pharmaceutical arena, extra care must be taken to ensure safety, clarity, and accuracy. This doesn’t change when it comes to the labeling process.  Our partners at BarTender were able to find a solution for a medical supplier using NFC tags to uniquely identify containers “while maintaining information clarity […]

Lack of digital security expertise leaves you vulnerable

We’ve talked a lot about moving labeling operations moving to the Cloud to gain efficiency and accuracy, but also increased security. This same security is becoming less reliable due to a lack of digital security expertise.  “According to a recent survey performed by Rackspace- a provider of multi-cloud services and security, two of the top […]

Webinar: Debunking the 7 myths of Cloud Security

Join Loftware’s experts on 14th September at 3 pm BST/10 am EDT/7 am PST as they debunk the most common cloud security myths. This webinar will provide answers that dispel misconceptions around cloud deployment. It will also explain how you can realize new efficiencies as you move your labeling and other applications to the cloud. […]

Protecting your brand through labeling

“Two-thirds of consumers who have unintentionally purchased counterfeit goods have lost their trust in a brand. Modern labeling and printing technologies can come to the rescue.” The value of imported fake goods that were seized in 2019 was estimated to be $509 billion which was up from $461 billion in 2018. This value only includes […]

5 tips to increase employee awareness of cyber security

Keeping networks secure is literally a full-time job for many within technology departments across the world.   “One of the most effective ways that small and medium-sized enterprises can prevent data violation is to increase employee cyber awareness.” Technology departments must set a security foundation by securing networks with a reliable antivirus tool and ensuring the […]

Manufacturing is no stranger to cyberattacks

As we have shared before, it seems no industry is safe from the potential of info stealing and cyberattacks. Manufacturers had many challenges during the pandemic and cyberattacks made the list of “menacing foes”. Worse yet, is the increase in a breach like this can now cost a manufacturing plant.  It has quickly risen to […]

What is the price of security to consumers?

Security, especially data security, continues to be an area of concern for everyone, especially consumers. The Internet of Things (IoT) “brings internet connectivity to everyday electronic devices, allowing them to collect and share data over networks.”  Home security, activity trackers and smart farming are just a few examples of where IoT -enabled devices are being […]