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Supplier labeling and the Cloud

Supplier labeling and the Cloud

Many organizations require third-party vendors like suppliers, contract manufacturers, and third-party logistics providers to deliver their product labeling. Compliance labeling requires clear and consistent processes and organizations spend time and money to ensure their labels are accurate.  Many organizations are finding that having Supplier labeling in the Cloud is the best way to ensure compliance.

When you introduce an outsider, like a supplier, to your labeling process and they aren’t complying with your labeling standards, you need to prepare for the following issues:

  • Warehouse staff needs to identify inbound products, adding time and expense to processing goods.
  • Warehouse staff doesn’t identify a product correctly, causing inaccurate inventory data which may result in missed production deadlines.
  • Spending time relabeling inbound goods due to errors.
  • Extra processing time causes longer inventory turnaround times.
  • More staff are required to process goods and more warehouse space to house those goods.

By utilizing a Cloud-based labeling solution, you and your third-party vendors can gain efficiencies like guaranteed label accuracy, quick supplier onboarding, reduced IT burden and security risks, and centralized supply chain management.

One example of supplier labeling done right shared by our partner Loftware resulted in a manufacturer reducing the average time to process goods by 44%. They were also able to increase their inventory turnover by 55% due to moving goods more quickly through the warehouse. These significant benefits helped the manufacturer go to market faster and create a more efficient business model, while also saving them a substantial amount to positively impact their bottom line.

Pragmatyxs is integrated in Cloud-based labeling solutions and many of our customers are globalized, so this solution is the most logical answer for them.  Ensuring that the hard work your team does to ensure compliance should be seamless when working with suppliers and third-party vendors.