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Front-of-Package Nutritional Labeling

Front-of-Package nutritional labeling

The FDA is prioritizing its nutrition initiatives to ensure people in the United States have great access to healthier foods and nutrition information” enabling healthier food choices. One of these initiatives is front-of-package nutritional labeling. This initiative would not be in lieu of the full nutritional facts labeling typically found on the back of most products but in addition to it.

Front-of-package labeling (FOP) would display simplified, at-a-glance nutritional information on the front of packaging to provide additional context to consumers; helping them make a quick but informed decision. This feature has been a growing trend around the world in the last few years and the FDA would like to increase this practice in the US.

The FDA conducted consumer research, allowing for public comment, from the end of January through the end of March. This feedback will inform how the FDA moves forward with the “development of a FOP nutrition labeling scheme.  The hope so that FOP nutrition labeling will help improve health and wellness through better eating patterns.

Pragmatyxs has over 25 years of experience when it comes to labeling and has worked with many leading food and beverage companies to create and improve their labeling processes. Like many industries, food, and beverage is no stranger to regulation, and rightfully so. Ensuring that the label provides all the needed information for consumers to make an informed decision is important. Furthermore, having an overseeing body like the FDA can ensure that additional requirements are set in place to keep consumers safe.