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Spectrum for the medical device industry

Spectrum for the medical device industry

“Loftware Spectrum® for Medical Device redefines how enterprises create, manage and print labels, enabling medical device enterprises to meet rigorous regulatory requirements.” Whether your company invests in a cloud or on-premise version, Spectrum for Medical Device provides “accuracy, consistency, and compliance.”

When deciding whether Spectrum is the right solution for your medical device needs, here are some of the benefits you will gain:

  • Effectively manage security and access – retain control over user access and provide role-based access permissions to employees, vendors, and suppliers.
  • Easily design and update compliant labels – Not only can you sample GS1-ready label templates, but business users can also easily create and update labels without additional, costly IT resources.
  • Streamline review and approval processes and content management – automate and streamline labeling processes by accessing content and digital asset management functionality which supports version control. Manage labeling smarter, faster, and more efficiently while ensuring an audit trail.
  • Leverage existing business processes – Connect with any of your existing business applications to automate and streamline the labeling processes. This includes SAP, Oracle integrations, and flexible web services.
  • Enhanced label consolidation through datadriven labeling –data-driven labels will dramatically reduce the number of labels needed to support your labeling operation, reduce the time spent on design and maintenance and reduce errors. Spectrum allows you to dynamically select data based on multiple combinations in the print request, user information, location, and any other factor available.

These are just a few of the benefits you can reap from implementing Spectrum Medical Device. As a trusted Loftware partner, Pragmatyxs can help you integrate this holistic medical device labeling solution into your company. We will ensure not only seamless installation but streamlined integration with your other business applications.