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4 benefits of automating your labeling process

Loftware NiceLabelThe ability to pivot quickly and plan for the unexpected can be the difference between a successful and a failing business. In the barcode labeling arena, the need to change and update information quickly is a must, and automating the process helps achieve this. Changes in customer and regulatory requirements are “pushing traditional labeling approaches beyond their breaking points.”

A recent report from Loftware provided 4 benefits of moving to an automated and data-driven labeling process:

  • Eliminate redundancies and reduce maintenance through a centralized database. Allowing users to access the same data in a centralized location reduces the amount of redundancy and cost of maintenance.
  • Unlock rapid label change on the fly when a change is needed. The ability for the business user, not an IT resource to make changes and updates in hours rather than days or months.
  • Achieve label consistency resulting in streamlined delivery dates, reduced fines, and happy customers.
  • Improve time to market and reduce errors when you incorporate an automated, data-driven labeling solution.

Whether you are a small, medium-sized or large business, there is a labeling solution that can help you eliminate redundancies, make effortless changes and get your products to market faster. Let Pragmatyxs help you implement a Loftware NiceLabel solution for you today.