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6 benefits of mobile technology in manufacturing

  We have all seen “the evolution of information technology”, especially when it comes to mobile phones. They have gone from “simple call-making devices to more complex information processing machines.” The ability of mobile phones to collect, process, and disseminate large amounts of data makes them a great option for the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing Business […]

Antitrust laws have existed for more than 100 years

For more than 100 years, the premise of the antitrust laws has remained the same: “to protect the process of competition for the benefit of consumers, making sure there are strong incentives for businesses to operate efficiently, keep prices down, and keep quality up.” There are 3 core federal antitrust laws: The Sherman Act, created […]

5 Keys to ensuring Edge Computing success

Edge Computing is “a distributed, open IT architecture that features decentralized processing power, enabling data to be processed by a device itself or by a local computer or server, rather than being transmitted to a data center.” Edge Computing has gained momentum due to the need for mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. […]

20 companies responsible for half the world’s single-use plastic

Single-use plastics and the reduction of them have been a focus for many years. A recent analysis, conducted by Mideroo, an Australian nonprofit, stated that “just 20 companies account for 55% of those plastics.” Food containers, plastic bags, and packaging materials are often the target of environmentalists and the production of these doesn’t seem to […]

How pharmaceutical companies can streamline labeling compliance

Our partners at NiceLabel® worked with a top pharmaceutical company to help them implement a new labeling system that would allow them to “modernize legacy systems” to enable future growth.  The goals of the company were to “unify labeling to a single platform, have better oversight of label variations, and streamline regulatory compliance processes.” In […]

A more responsive supply chain strategy

The supply chain has faced many challenges over the last year and a half. Trying to predict demand has been nothing short of impossible for many manufacturers. “Whether it’s raw materials for construction projects or electronic components for consumer goods and vehicle production, manufacturers are confronted with “new normal” on an almost daily basis.” “These […]

Register for the BarTender Webinar about labeling challenges

Let BarTender help you overcome some of the most common labeling issues that impact many companies today. BarTender is hosting a webinar titled “7 labeling challenges facing the supply chain”. Thursday, July 29, 2021 8:30 am PST| 11:30 am EDT| 15:30 UTC Register Now Some the topics around labeling challenges that will be discussed include: […]

Data quality is key to leveraging, AI, Machine Learning

  As technology continues to advance, manufacturing companies look for ways to increase productivity and efficiency with new technological advances. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are proving to be where companies want to focus their time and resources.   What they are finding is that preparation is key and that implementing these technologies will […]

The new look of the American office

For many, the past year and a half have changed how we work and where we work from. The work from home model is likely to stay around and according to a survey of 30,000 Americans by a Stanford economist, “most full-time workers expect to continue working remotely at least two or three days a […]

Common challenges for food and beverage labeling

Many food and beverage industries face the challenge of complex global regulations, meeting localized requirements, and maintaining visibility within the supply chain.  As they manage these areas, they may also struggle with labeling challenges like “accuracy, efficiency, compliance, and traceability.” “All of these challenges can put unprecedented pressure on industries that traditionally use manual methods […]